Colloration Programme

Opportunities for the Elderly Project

In hopes of providing multifaceted opportunities to elderly and promoting their life-long learnings, our school parrticipated the ‘Opportunities for the Elderly Project’ (OEP) launched by the Social Welfare Department. Elderlies are encouraged to contribute to the community with their affluent experiences and talents, thereby living a fruitful ageing. Moreover, family education activities among generations were held to develop elderly’s educational skill and to build the elder-child bond. The children, on the other hand, can also establish the morality of respect and love to elders.

Professinal Drama Training Program

In order to be compatible with the ‘whole-person development’ and the ‘learning within game’ principle instructed by the latest Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide, our school participated the Professinal Drama Training Program held jointly by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and the Education University of Hong Kong. The program aims at enhancing drama education at school and teaching edcators specific instructional skills in drama education. Representatives from the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre have provided training for us in the last summer. Our teachers have gained important knowledge and skills applicable to the Drama Education.
